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Source code for carneades.tracecalls

# Author: Eli Bendersky <>
#         Ewan Klein <> (modifications)
# License: in public domain
# See

Module to see what calls actually occurred during execution, their arguments
and return values, when executing algorithms with complex function call
sequences, and especially ones that require recursion.

The class :class:`TraceCalls` is called as a decorator :func:`@TraceCalls`.
import sys
from functools import wraps
import logging

[docs]class TraceCalls(object): """ Use as a decorator on functions that should be traced. Several functions can be decorated; they will all be indented according to their call depth. """
[docs] def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout, indent_step=2, show_ret=True): """ :param stream: The output stream :param indent_step: How much to indent strings relative to call depth. :type indent_step: int :param show_ret: If ``True``, show the return value of the function call. """ self.indent_step = indent_step self.show_ret = show_ret TraceCalls.cur_indent = 0 = stream
def __call__(self, fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): indent = ' ' * TraceCalls.cur_indent argstr = ', '.join( [str(a) for a in args][1:])"\n{}Calling {}({})\n".format(indent, fn.__name__, argstr)) TraceCalls.cur_indent += self.indent_step ret = fn(*args, **kwargs) TraceCalls.cur_indent -= self.indent_step if self.show_ret:"{}{}({})-->{}\n".format(indent, fn.__name__, argstr, ret)) return ret return wrapper