The Carneades model of argumentation ==================================== The `Python carneades project `_ is an implementation of the `Carneades argumentation model `_. It closely follows the Haskell `Carneades DSL `_ by Bas van Gijzel and Henrik Nilsson, especially `this detailed code `_ (also available in a more readable LaTeX-ed :download:`PDF ` version). For more detailed module documentation, see the `API documentation `_. The main module ```` uses the ``igraph`` package for representing dependencies between arguments. For documentation, see * `igraph tutorial `_ * `igraph manual and API `_ Plotting in ``igraph`` is dependent on the ``pycairo`` library which provides Python bindings to the `Cairo library `_, as illustrated below. .. image:: argset.png :width: 500 px .. toctree:: :hidden: api/index